Rhino 5000
Dymo RhinoPro 5000 Printer Labels
If you are the proud owner of a DYMO RhinoPro printer, you will want to stock up on RhinoPro 5000 printer labels. PtouchDirect has a large assortment of labels in a variety of colors. Labels are available in ¾” (18mm), ½” (12mm), 3/8” (9mm) and ¼” (6mm) sizes and come in a variety of colors. In addition, RhinoPro label cassettes are available in a wide range for materials including nylon and polyester. These labels have very strong adhesives that stick and last in heavy duty environments and can be attached to curved and textured surfaces.
Many of these tapes have an easy-to-peel, split design and are perfect for use with a variety of handheld Rhino printers. As you select your tapes, please make sure the tapes will be compatible with your printer by searching for your printer’s model number in this list of labelers that can use the tape.