How do you Ptouch? Back to School Edition

Posted by Ivy Lewis on 08/23/2019

Happy Friday! I cannot believe it is time for a "Back to School" post. It seems like summer just started. I guess that's what happens when you blink. 

This week we're showing you some quick and easy ways to keep your kids organized and hopefully a solution to the ever growing "lost and found" pile.

Pictured below are few of your typical must haves. A pencil box, some pencils, a water bottle, and so on. I used a 1/2" black on white label for the box and pencil pack to make it easy to read and distinguish. Click the photo below to shop. 

Another great tip is to use the TZeFX or LMeFX series of labels to wrap them around your pens/pencils! These labels are great because they are flexible and easy to wrap around! Maybe you might actually make it through the school year only buying one package of pencils. Click the photo below to shop for flexible labels: 

Pictured below is a simple 3/4" white on clear label on a binder. You can use your name as pictured or you can also add a specific subject or room number to the label as well. Click the photo to shop! 

You'll see here two different labels of different sizes. Both are a colored print on a clear back ground. Clear back ground labels are a personal favorite of mine because they are so versatile. Click the photo above to shop all of of colored print on a clear backing labels! You'll notice a variety of size and color options, perfect for any project! 

I know this might seem like such an obvious idea, but you would be surprised how many items go missing! Here I used the NEW LMe134 1/2" gold on clear label! Yup, that right! The first ever gold on clear is FINALLY here!! Click the photo to shop it directly. 

Here we used a 1/2" label, again the LMe134 the gold on clear label, because well how cute!! So easy to keep your classes organized and your assignments easy to get to! 

Now this is going to make your entire school year!! These are IRON ON LABELS! Yes, you read the correctly. You can customize the labels you love and have them iron onto your favorite fabric surfaces. What surfaces? Im glad you asked! Backpacks, duffle bags, sports uniforms, inside of shoes, fabric pencil pouches, nice jackets, and so much more! Have you ever had a nice coat go missing? Or everyone has the same black bag? Game on!! 

Lastly, our teachers! This photo might look familiar. It was featured in our Classroom blog last year! We focused on ways teachers could utilize our labels. We labeled books, cubbies, desks, classroom light switches, remotes, and much more! Click the photo above to look at last years post! 

Find anything helpful? Let us know! Send us your ideas, projects, or questions to 

Until Next Time,

Your Friends at