How do you Ptouch? The Plastic Craze

Posted by Ivy Lewis on 03/09/2018


Yes, if you are reading this you survived. I'll be the first to say it has been a very busy week. Here at Ptouchdirect, we have been brainstorming new ways to keep our content fresh, unique, and consistent all while serving you on as many platforms as possible. With that being said, we have created an instagram account! Follow us @Ptouchdirect we plan to post regular content that is focused on customer-reposts, DIY ideas, giveaways, sponsor partnerships, and a more in-depth continuation of our #Howdoyouptouch campign. Ideally we want to use this platform to see how our customers are using their machines and all of the creative projects you are completing. Then we want to highlight it! We want to share all of the #labellove we can! 

This week for the blog we have tackled the plastic craze. Yes, we have found a solution to the sound of dozens of plastic bowls hitting the counter, the minutes lost, the wasted tin-foil because you never could find a lid - the tupperware drawer. It's okay, we all have one.
When I say we solved a problem, I don't just mean tell-you-a-new-way-stack-them-just-so-they-can-be-a-mess-a-week-later kinda way...but a real solution to help you match your lids and covers. 

DRUM ROLL! Label the lids and covers to match...yes mind blowing. Pictured below you will see how we labeled a complete set of tupperware. Now typically most people don't have a brand new set waiting with all matching colored lids but even if you have multiple sets this is still for you! 
How it works: First we labeled all of the lids/containers that were mates A" now you could label them with symbols, numbers, it really doesn't matter. We decided to make an even quicker look in the drawer we would make all of the "A"s one color, "B"s another, and so on. By the end we had 3 various sizes and 3 different label types for each. Now because these labels are dishwasher safe and microwaveable I placed them discretely inside the lids and on the bottom of the bowls to leave room for personalized labels later. 
In end you will have a lid and a bottom both labeled "A" which means they belong, and same with "B" and "C", if you have a lot of tupperware (I'm sorry)  you could label them "AA"  "BB" or "A1" whatever you think is easy. Here I used the new LMe series labels. These are TZe compatibles that are 26.2 feet of tape per roll, dishwasher safe, microwaveable, and are available at a fraction of the cost. Labels used today: LMe232, LMeB31, LMeD31
*Pro Tip* As we all know, because of the cutter blade there is now way to completely reduce the size of the margins and therefore you have additional tape waste. A solution I tried to this problem was printing all of my letters on one strip using two spaces between each letter and then cutting them with scissors. 





Until next week, 

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